Urban One is a full-service real estate Project Management firm based in Downtown Los Angeles. The firm is dedicated to five key services: Development Management, Construction Management, Investment Management, Financial Advisory/Feasibility Analysis and LEED Consulting. We focus on entitling, developing, and managing residential, retail, and mixed-use projects near transit corridors and employment centers; high-quality and long-lasting public infrastructure; and alternative transportation opportunities that offer innovative, sustainable, and efficient transit solutions to urban congestion. The combination of successful Real Estate, Infrastructure, and Transit ventures will promote a uniform, sustainable urban living and is the essence of Urban One.
Whether it be a Real Estate, Infrastructure, or Transit project, public or private, the Project Manager is the nucleus of all activities on the client’s behalf. Having a Project Manager onboard as a full-service representative to the client is vital to the success of the project and will ensure that the project team effectively collaborates and works toward a common goal. The Project Manager will be involved in every aspect of the process and spearhead the flow of information among architects, designers, engineers, planners, consultants, contractors, vendors, property managers, sales staff, lenders, governmental authorities, and of course, the client. Urban One prides itself in having the commanding influence to lead this synchronized effort to fully meet and exceed the client’s expectations.
Urban One delivers incisive analysis and guidance to our clients and investors, and we are dedicated to developing high-quality projects that generate long-term financial and community returns. Urban One’s extensive development background – spanning large-scale retail and residential development to city and regional planning – has positioned the firm to serve a diverse array of clients and investors. The firm is actively seeking urban development or project management opportunities that leverage our unique combination of skills and abilities on behalf of our clients.