Today, developers, planners, and policy makers alike share a relatively clear vision of what Transit Oriented Development means. The vision is one of a walkable area of mixed residential and commercial uses surrounding a public transit station, typically a rail station. But a recent article from The Atlantic’s CityLab urges us to move past this already antiquated vision of TOD and push for a more forward-thinking image of what TOD can be, given our rapidly expanding network of bike-share facilities and other modes of shared transportation.
In Fall 2013, Urban One collaborated with the Los Angeles Business Council for the second year in a row to release the 2013 LABC Livable Communities Report. This report emphasized the growing possibilities for development around transit, as well as the value that mobility hubs–consisting of bike-share, streetcars, and other alternative public transit–bring to developers seeking to provide housing that can be affordable to members of the Los Angeles workforce.
We at Urban One believe that all real estate development must take into account the unique circumstances of the surrounding neighborhood, and the people, infrastructure, and transit networks that make up that community. The rapidly developing technology around transit, and the acceptance of those new technologies into our urban fabric, will provide limitless opportunities for livable development within our cities.